From the Archive
Issue 17/18
Walt Whitman
and Place
This special double issue of Mickle Street Review showcases some of the exciting work presented at the Whitman and Place conference held at Rutgers University-Camden in April 2005 in celebration of the sesquicentennial of the first publication of Whitman’s monumentalLeaves of Grass.
The conference was supported by Margaret Marsh, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers-Camden; the Department of English at Rutgers-Camden; the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities at Rutgers-Camden; the New Jersey Council for the Humanities; the Camden County Cultural and Heritage Commission; the Graduate English Program at Rutgers-Camden; the Walt Whitman Program in American Studies at Rutgers-Camden; and the Walt Whitman House in Camden.
Papers at the conference broke new ground in addressing Whitman’s physical presence in landscapes, the engagement of his poetry with these landscapes and their ideologies, the reception of Whitman and his poetry in various regions of the U.S. and around the world, the experience of encountering Leaves of Grass in precise places, including cyberspace, and the “place” or siting of such cultural conditions as class, gender, and sexuality in his work.
It is in Camden that Whitman spent his final years, moving in with his brother George in 1873 and buying his first and only house there in 1884; the city was then a bustling seaport and by Whitman’s own account brought him “blessed returns.” Before calling on Camden, he moved widely through the country, living in New York (Brooklyn and Manhattan) and, during the Civil War and for a while after, Washington, DC. He also resided for a short time in New Orleans in 1848. While in Camden, Whitman traveled to Canada and to the western prairies, experiences he recorded memorably in his poetry and prose.
In this double issue we bring together a range of voices (junior and senior scholars, teachers, and artists) on the life and work of Walt Whitman, a distinctive poetic voice of the mid-Atlantic region, as we seek to chart a course for his study and appreciation into the twenty-first century, with an eye to the fundamental importance of place.
Also new to this issue is the updated archives section of the site, which now includes Mickle Street Review’s first five print issues.
I wish to thank Jesse Merandy, Mickle Street Review’s managing editor, for his tireless work on this issue, from its vibrant layout to the digital daguerreotype images and facsimile images of letters written by Whitman included in several of the sections.
— Tyler Hoffman
Web 1.0
Daguerreotypes & Letters
(Not optimized for mobile.)
The original issue was created in HTML in 2005.
You can view the original website along with all content by clicking this link.
- Walt Whitman and the City
by Joann P. Krieg
FULL TEXT - Bridging Modernism: Joseph Stella, Walt Whitman and America
by Ruth L. Bohan
FULL TEXT - Distant Effects: Whitman, Olmsted, and the American Landscape
by Joseph C. Murphy
- Whitman’s Philadelphia and Whitman’s Camden: Retrospect and Prospect
by William Pannapacker
FULL TEXT - Home Isn’t Where the House Is: Whitman’s Camden Exile
by Evan James Roskos
FULL TEXT - “I see all the prisoners in the prisons”: Poetry and Poverty at 330 Mickle Boulevard
by Mercy Romero
- “Memoranda of a year (1863)”: Whitman in Washington, D.C.
by Ted Genoways
FULL TEXT - “the varieties of the strayed”: Sites of Trauma in Specimen Days
by Amy Nestor
FULL TEXT - American Space to American Place: Whitman’s Reckoning of a New Nation
by Tim Campbell
- Walt Whitman and the Prairies
by Ed Folsom
FULL TEXT - Canyons, Cowboys, and Cash: Walt Whitman’s American West
by Tom Farley
- Where’s Walt? Situating the Poet-Speaker in his Nation
by Denise Dawn Hubert
FULL TEXT - “The Machinist Rolls Up His Sleeves”: Whitman and the Working Class
by Lynda L. Hinkle
FULL TEXT - Phantasmic Whitman
by Jennifer Ansley
- Whitman’s Legacy of Love and the Challenge of Public Space
by Bonnie Carr
FULL TEXT - Whitman’s Failures of Genuine Human Contact: A Gestalt Psychological Approach
by Marianne Noble
- Walt Whitman Archive at 10: Some Backward Glances and Vistas Ahead
by Kenneth M. Price
FULL TEXT - Whitman in Cyberspace
by Jesse Merandy
FULL TEXT - Walt Whitman’s Temporary Autonomous Zone
by John F. Roche
- Where is Walt Whitman?
by Michael R. Dressman
FULL TEXT - Whitman at School: Student, Teacher, and Poet
by Natalie A. Naylor
FULL TEXT - “I too lived–Brooklyn of ample hills was mine”: Teaching Whitman on the Rooftops of Brooklyn Heights
by Ian Maloney
- Where Are We Now? Whitman, Place, and the Memory of the Heart
by Rosemary McAndrew
FULL TEXT - A Supermarket in Kanada? Whitman Among the Beautiful Losers
by Paul Milton
Issue Credits
Mickle Street Review is sponsored and published by the Department of English at the Camden campus of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Jesse MerandyVISIT THE
Original Website -
JT Barbarese
Ed Folsom
William Pannapacker
Kenneth Price
Geoffrey Sill
Carol Singley
Jesse MerandyASSISTANT
Evan James Roskos
Issue 17/18 Contributors
Jennifer Ansley is a second year graduate student in the Ph.D. program in English at the University of Southern California. Her primary areas of interest are late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century literature, transnationality, and queer studies. She is currently focusing on the concept of citizenship in relationship to race, gender, sexuality, and nationality.
Ruth L. Bohan is Associate Professor in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She is the author of the forthcoming book, Looking into Walt Whitman: American Art 1850-1920(Penn State UP, 2006), and of The Société Anonyme’s Brooklyn Exhibition: Katherine Dreier and Modernism in America (UMI, 1982). She has published articles on Whitman and American art in The Cambridge Companion to Walt Whitman (Cambridge UP, 1995), The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, The Mickle Street Review and Walt Whitman and the Visual Arts (Rutgers UP,1992).
Tim Campbell is a Master’s degree candidate in English at Rutgers University-Camden. He is currently student teaching and will become a high school English teacher next year.
Bonnie Carr is Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Wake Forest University. She is currently at work on a book, Singular Success: Authors as Celebrities in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America.
Michael Dressman is a Professor of English at the University of Houston-Downtown, where he served as dean of humanities and social sciences from 1989 to 2003. He has a long-standing interest in English language history and policy, and he owes much of his knowledge of and appreciation for Walt Whitman’s language to his mentor, C. Carroll Hollis.
Tom Farley is a Master’s degree candidate in English at Rutgers University-Camden.
Ed Folsom, Carver Professor of English at The University of Iowa, is the editor of The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, co-director of the Walt Whitman Archive and the author or editor of five books on Whitman, including: Walt Whitman’s Native Representations and Whitman East and West. He directed the Whitman Centennial Conference in 1992 and edits the Whitman Series for the University of Iowa Press. His essays on American poetry have appeared in numerous journals and books including: American Literature and The Cambridge Companion to Walt Whitman.
Ted Genoways is the author of one book of poems, Bullroarer (Northeastern, 2001), winner of the Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize, and editor of six books, most recently, Walt Whitman: The Correspondence, Vol. VII (Iowa, 2004). His essays on Whitman are forthcoming in A Companion to Whitman (Blackwell, 2006) and Leaves of Grass: The 150th Anniversary Conference (Nebraska, 2006). He is editor of the Virginia Quarterly Review at the University of Virginia, for which he edited a special issue of essays on the 150th anniversary ofLeaves of Grass in Spring 2005.
Lynda L. Hinkle is a Master’s degree candidate in English at Rutgers University-Camden. She teaches composition at Camden County College. You can find her on the web at
Denise Dawn Hubert is a graduate student in English at the University of British Columbia, where she is currently writing her M.A. thesis on the stylistics of (dis)embodiment and (dis)location in Whitman’s poetry. Her research is funded in part by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Joann P. Krieg, professor of English at Hofstra University, authored A Whitman Chronology (1998) and Whitman And The Irish (2000), both from University of Iowa Press, and edited Walt Whitman, Here And Now(Greenwood, 1985). She has published numerous articles on Whitman, notably “Without Walt Whitman in Camden,” in The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review (1996/1997).
Ian S. Maloney completed his Ph.D. in English and Certificate in American Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center in 2004 and currently serves as Assistant Professor of English at St. Francis College in Brooklyn Heights, New York. His first monograph, Melville’s Monumental Imagination, is slated for publication by Routledge in 2006, and a recent collaborative article, “The Orphic Quest for Contact and Collaboration across Disciplinary Lines,” has been published in Collaborating, Literature, and Composition: Essays for Teachers and Writers of English (Hampton Press, 2005). He is completing an Introduction for a new Barnes and Noble edition of Melville’s Israel Potter and serves as a Lecturer in the NEH-funded Speakers in the Humanities series.
Rosemary McAndrew is Assistant Professor/Librarian at the Community College of Philadelphia and a Master’s degree candidate in the English Department at Rutgers University-Camden. Her article “Teaching Heart: Active and Collaborative Learning in the Developmental Writing Classroom” will be published in the fall issue of Viewpoints, a journal of developmental and collegiate teaching, learning, and assessment.
Jesse Merandy is currently in the Ph.D. program at the CUNY Graduate Center and is teaching at John Jay College in New York. He received his Masters degree from Rutgers Univeristy-Camden and has been the Managing Editor and designer for Mickle Street Review from 2003-2005.
Paul Milton is an assistant professor in the Department of Critical Studies at the University of British Columbia-Okanagan, where he teaches American and Canadian literatures. He has published articles on Leonard Cohen, Alden Nowlan, and George Eliot.
Joseph C. Murphy is an assistant professor of English at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, and editor of Fu Jen Studies. His publications include articles on Whitman, Cather, and Flannery O’Connor in Modern Language Studies, Literature and Belief, and forthcoming in Cather Studies. Currently, he is writing a book on Whitman, Howells, Henry Adams, and the culture of world’s fairs.
Natalie A. Naylor is professor emerita from Hofstra University where she taught Long Island and American social history. She was director of its Long Island Studies Institute from its founding in 1985 until she retired in 2000. Dr. Naylor edited several Institute books and has been editor of the Nassau County Historical Society Journal since 1996.
Marianne Noble is an Associate Professor in the Department of Literature at American University in Washington, DC. She is the author of The Masochistic Pleasures of Sentimental Literature (Princeton UP, 2000) and articles on Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and American Gothic literature. She is currently working on a project entitled Sympathy and the Quest for Genuine Human Contact in Nineteenth-Century American Romanticism.
William Pannapacker is Assistant Professor of English and Towsley Research Scholar at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. He is the author of Revised Lives: Walt Whitman and Nineteenth-Century Authorship(2004), and he is currently writing a book called Walt Whitman’s Cities.
Kenneth Price holds the Hillegass Chair of Nineteenth-Century American literature at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is the author of over thirty articles and author or editor of eight books, including Whitman and Tradition, Walt Whitman: The Contemporary Reviews, and To Walt Whitman, America. With Ed Folsom, he recently published Re-Scripting Walt Whitman: An Introduction to His Life and Work. He and Folsom co-direct the electronic Walt Whitman Archive. A permanent endowment to support the work of the Whitman Archive is now being built at the University of Nebraska with the help of a recently awarded NEH challenge grant.
John Roche is an Assistant Professor of Language & Literature at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. His PhD dissertation (University of Buffalo) explores affinities between Walt Whitman and Frank Lloyd Wright. His Whitman-related essays and articles have appeared in the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, the Walt Whitman Encyclopedia, ATQ: American Transcendental Quarterly, theJournal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, and Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. He is currently at work on a book titled Crafting an American Bohemia: Whitman Enthusiasts, ‘Free Thought,’ and the Little Magazines of the Arts-and-Crafts Era.
Mercy Romero is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Her dissertation, “American Landscapes and Experimentalisms,” studies the writing and cultural work of artists such as Walt Whitman, African American writer Gayl Jones, and Chickasaw writer Linda Hogan. Mercy is a mother to a 14-month-old son, and is from Camden, NJ.
Evan James Roskos is a Master’s degree candidate and composition instructor at Rutgers University-Camden. He is currently researching representations of crime and criminals in American literature for his thesis.
Part of the Camden Online Poetry Project.
Copyright | Rutgers University – Camden.
Supported in part by a grant from the
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.